11:14 PM


As life happens help to never forget the beauty that you have created. As the world forces people to become cold, help me to be the one to show love. As the odds come against me, help me to continue to be a source of hope to another soul. As thoughts of negativity arise, help me to stand tall knowing that you are the truth; and the light to stop any quicksand from coming upon the seaside. As those around me become harder to understand, help me to remember that it is okay to take a break, love from a distance in order to keep a peace of mind.

– herbeautyspeaks, Letters to the Lord.


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Who is herbeautyspeaks ? a question that a few might be wondering to themselves. Well, I’ll be more than glad to let you in on who she is. She is a woman who has been through some experiences which made her into the person she is now. the name herbeautyspeaks runs deeply within the blood of her veins. It is more than just a random ‘title’ to her. herbeautyspeaks, but most know her first name to be Destiny. A name that truly fits who she is very well. She is a woman of God, one who didn’t always see the beauty in herself, one who for years couldn’t come to terms of her own reflection. she is a lover, one who will give her very last to someone in need, she is one who tries her best to learn from the mistakes that have been made, she is a daughter, sister, friend, one who holds the true values of life close to her heart. she is an artist, one who always had a creative side, she is just like you.

As I am writing this, I can’t help but to reminisce on those times where I had no clue as to who I was. It was extremely difficult to even see myself as the beautiful being that I was and have grown to be. I went years without being who God had made me to be with every fiber and bone that laid within me. Those were some rough times in my life, that didn’t seem to be very beneficial for me as those challenges were occurring. I want everyone who reads this to know that I wasn’t always the person I am today. People meaning (close friends, family, etc) used to continuously tell  me how amazing, loving, humble, and sweet I was but I never really believed their words because I didn’t feel that way about myself. I felt ugly, I felt unworthy, I didn’t like nor love anything about myself pertaining to the (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional) realms. I couldn’t even face the sight of my own body let alone parts of who I was without the feeling of disgust seeping through. I don’t mind speaking on where I came from as a person / woman because I know that there are others in this world who may either be going through the same issues or worse. If this pertains to you, please know that you are loved, worthy, amazing, beautiful/handsome, and unlike any other. And I am not just saying this so that you can feel good about this read, but to truly help you see that someone cares for and about you. I don’t believe that you have to solely know someone personally to love and care about them. After all, Jesus did die for us right ? regardless of the matter as to where He knew us or not, he died so that we could live in HIM and in H I M alone.

I believe in you, whatever is going on will not last forever. YOU will BE OKAY, I PROMISE you. that things will change, for me those things did not change overnight, it took years honestly it all felt like an eternity. BUT, do know this, that nothing is impossible with God. He will help you, heal you, love you, comfort you, strengthen you, guide you, teach you. you do not have to spend your life worrying and/or feeling as though you don’t matter because you most certainly do. and trust, when I say that I am here for you. I love how the Lord instructed this read to be more so about the next person rather than myself. Which is such a wonderful thing to me. I hope and do pray that these words will help you to see the brighter side of life, love, others, and the world that we live in. I love you. I support you. Don’t give up. the best is on it’s way.

If you want to talk please, feel free to email me at herbeautyspeakss@gmail.com,

do know that I’ll be sure to respond and help you out as much as I can.

much love,

– herbeautyspeaks.


March 4, 2015, at 6:27 PM
black men, hold on. black men, stay strong. black men, I’m here for you. black men, keep your head held high, your eyes open wide, your smile bigger than life, your heart filled with love, and your soul filled with joy. black men, don’t let the world tell you who you are, you are nothing of what they make you out to be. black men, know your worth. you are a king and deserve to be seen and treated as such. black men, I really do adore you and I never want you to let these words slip from your mind. black men, the world may see you as someone you are not, but all in all remember that other people truly do not define you. black men, once again I love you and there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by where I am not thinking of you. black men, there isn’t anyone nor anything that can change my mind. black men, I am a woman who truly adores your strive, your strength, your love. black men, I would never want you to feel or think otherwise.
– herbeautyspeaks, the black man.


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February 11, 2015 at 10:31 PM

black women, I love you. black women, stand your ground. black women, you are Queens. black women, your skin does something quite unexplainable to me. black women, I truly adore you. black women, your strength inspires me. black women, you all are beautiful. black women, you are me and I am you. black women, keep going, keep being you. black women, just know that I’ll never stop loving you.

– herbeautyspeaks, the black woman.



these streets never cease to tell a story, the streets is where all of the beauty and realness truly lies. the streets is where our souls wander, taking the time out to escape from ourselves in order to find who we really are. the streets are apart of me as like oxygen is within to help the blood within my being flow freely, into these veins, into the lines of this beautiful heart of mine.

– herbeautyspeaks, the streets.


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Processed with VSCOcam with lv03 presetOne of the amazing things that I love about being an artist, is being able to use the world as a canvas of inspiration. I love capturing others in their natural element. There is something quite beautiful that takes place during those very moments. It’s as if for that time being their souls are free, free to let to feel, free to most importantly just be. I try my best to take those same moments as sweet reminders of reassurance. I take those moments as times that I cannot take back. Those times make my heart beat vastly and smile / laugh uncontrollably. I am so grateful beyond could fully express for the times that I have been given the opportunity to leave an everlasting of joy upon one’s life through the gift of creating. I never want to take the gifts that God has blessed me with for granted because quite frankly, these gifts were made shared with everyone else. I remember the days when I wasn’t doing all that I am doing now. I was still writing of course, but not to the extent of where I am now.

Growth is very much a necessity in this journey called life. I make sure to tell others to live out their destiny whole heartily. You truly don’t know whose life could change. It will be hard to recognize the strength that lies deeply within you. Take it from a girl now woman, who went most of her life without knowing exactly as to why she put on this earth, most commonly known as one’s purpose. Now, it’ll take some time to figure out, but with God anything can be done. I encourage you to after what God has created you to do and be. The struggle will be there, the road will become difficult but what’s life without a little challenge . . . But I promise, once you find that purpose of yours, you will feel closer to who you are and the way experiences played out.

much love,

– herbeautyspeaks



So, I haven’t blogged in a while and it actually feels pretty good to be able to do so. I felt the need to start over being that so much has changed since some time ago. As most may or may not know, I was running a blog by the name of herbeautyspeaks.blogspot.com prior to creating this one.

Which was a very beautiful experience and thankfully touched the lives of many. This new platform will cover experiences of my own, writing, as well as some other aspects of life / people that I find inspiring. Of course, the main goal of sharing is to help someone along the way. I hope and pray that everyone who sets their eyes on any work of mine is able to become uplifted by the words / stories / photographs that have been placed within my being to speak on. If anyone is need of any help and / or wants someone to talk to, please feel free to send an email to herbeautyspeakss@gmail.com …

much love,

– herbeautyspeaks