1. Why do you call yourself herbeautyspeaks ?

It all started as a name on Twitter, and as I started to discover who I was and what it was that i was meant to do; the name herbeautyspeaks just felt right to own up to and keep. Plus, I feel as though it describes me perfectly, not only speaking of the beauty that I myself portray outwardly but more so pertaining to the beauty inwardly that shines through. As for the same that I aim to help others see in themselves.

2. Where are you from ?

I was born & raised in New York. I’ve been living in Atlanta, Georgia for some years now.

3. Why are you an artist ?

I’ve always been an artist; as an young girl to the woman I am now. It’s all apart of who I am, I am a creative at heart. it wasn’t until sometime ago that I truly realized my purpose and began to delve further into my calling. I like to think that I am still that young girl who has grown to love how she speaks artistically and everything else in between. One who is aware of who she is and what she has to offer.

4.  When did you start writing ?

I’ve been writing ever since I was a young girl  I remember falling in love with creating essays, short stories for school, at the age of nine. I was in 3rd grade, I guess you can say that’s when it all started to unfold. I was that kid who loved doing those summer reading assignments, writing essays, the kid who always got asked to assist someone with their work, lol. But as far as writing poetry is concerned, I was about 16 when the world of piecing together poems made its way into my life, which many may or may not know those times were very dark and I used poetry as a way to express myself. Thank the Lord, that all has changed years later. Now, that very thing has blossomed into something greater than myself, greater than you, greater than anyone. It is amazing to see the growth that has nestled within my being as the years have progressed. All of the love, kind words / deeds, and support has been well-appreciated.

5. What is your nationality ?

This question has to be the most asked question that I receive as I go about my daily whereabouts, most assume and think that I am half African American and half Caucasian, Puerto Rican and/ or Dominican, tend to be the most common answers. Suprisingly enough, to most I am neither, I am Jamaican & Guyanese.

6. Where do you see yourself in about five years?

God willingly, I hope to still be creating and inspiring others through the gifts that the Lord has blessed me with. I hope to have traveled to a few places outside of the United States. To have come into contact with some more amazing and beautiful souls while continuing my journey, to have written one or two books, and to enjoy life to the best of my ability, whole heartily.

7. What do you want others to gather from your work ?

i want others to leave inspired, inspired to love and recognize the beauty of this world and others that surround them. I write for women and men like myself who know what it is like to struggle; the struggle of being able to accept one’s self. I photograph and blog to uplift other souls and bring forth truths that aren’t always mentioned as apart of society.

8. What are some songs that you listen to most when you are in the midst of creating ?

Well, it always depends on the kind of mood that I am in. I am one who loves every genre of music, but most of the time you will catch me listening to some rap music, old school tunes, or whatever else I feel the need to listen to at that moment. As of lately, I’ve been playing Teen Spirit by SZA & Child’s Play by SZA ft Chance the Rapper, The Need to Know by Wale ft SZA, Collide by Justine Skye ft Tyga, Bandit by Justine Skye, anything by Jhenè Aiko, but for some reason Blue Dream never fails to get my creativity sparking. Last, but not least who can forget Fantasy by Alina & The Galimatias (please, listen to that song if you haven’t already. I promise you’ll love it as much as I do)

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