
Blessed Afternoon, it’s been such a long time since I’ve expressed myself on this platform of mine. I have been away from some time, trying to take a break from creating, which may seem quite absurd but was well-needed. I just got back from a beautiful vacation visiting family, and I must say that everything worked out amazingly. I was planning on taking some time out to create and collaborate with other artists but as you can see that plan went left. Over the years, I have learned to be okay with not having everything go the way I planned, because ultimately it is not up to me it was what the Lord wants despite how our emotions feel.

I am so very glad to get back to work and continue blossoming into who I am meant to be as a person. I cannot wait to delve into my artistic side a bit more, I definitely pray that I’ll be able to continue being taken out of my comfort zone in a positive way. There are so many things that I tend to think of in my head, that so often I have to slow down and remember to take my time and breathe. Everything isn’t going to occur right away or perfectly, sometimes it’s best as is.

Today, I encourage you to step out of what you are used to, take a break, plan a trip, try some new foods, dress differently, travel, do more, feel more, love more, speak more or maybe less, write out all of what has been cluttering your mind, pick some flowers, buy your loved ones a gift, it’s so easy to get caught up in whatever our “normal way of living” is that we forget or more so don’t have the desire to do anything out of the box. Challenge yourself to be more, do more, keep others around guessing, grow in who you were meant to be, freely & fearlessly.

Daily reminder – Make a difference in another soul’s life, share your gifts, love whole heartily, remain in peace.


much love & peace,

– herbeautyspeaks

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